1st: Srinidhi Ragavendran, 11, East Spring Primary School
I held my pen, my hands trembling.Milllions of thoughts raced in my mind as I wrote the first few letters. Her wrinkled face, her fair complexion, her solid white hair, probably I would never get to admire them again for they were what that made her special-to me.I started. `Dear Grandma’, I wrote, trying to begin in the most universal way. `I really miss you. I am writing this to you just to make you realise how much you mean to me.
I remember the times when you used to hold my tender hands and took me for a stroll in the park, to be frank, your company was what had made the stroll the most enjoyable. I remember the times when you bought me my favourite candy when you went out for work. Thank you! And yes, I do remember the times when you tickled me so much that I could not resist but to laugh so hard that my stomach used to ache and water dripped from my eyes. But the most memorable one was when you used to embrace me in your arms and put me into bed and recited me the bedtime stories.
Then, without even realizing it, I had entered into the next stage of life, the stage which I regretted the most. I was a teenager. I, during that period of time, regarded my friends more important than family. I started to take you for granted. I remember the times when I used to throw tantrums at you for petite things .Not allowing me to attend late night parties, not allowing me to hang out with my friends. Had I known earlier that you were there for me always, never had you left me alone, never had you gave up and you had only wanted me to be secured and safe, I would never have done such a malicious thing, never. Sorry.
Then came your major sacrifices. You started to get weaker by the day, you were really prone to diseases but you continued to slog. Tackling three jobs at a time, I thought it was impossible to me but you had made it possible. You just wanted me to have a great future ahead and you being the sole breadwinner of the family, managed to save up money for my university over here in Canada.
I really appreciate whatever you have done for me. I, being an orphan am really grateful to you. You raised me so well without any helping hand. Your motherly love and affection did not make me feel at any point of time that I did not have any parents. You were my family, you are my family and you will always be my family. I hope you can forgive me if I had committed any mistakes and always remember that I love you. Thank you for all your support and goodbye……… ‘
Tears flowed from my eyes as I ran into a dark corner of the room. It was midnight. My grandmother, who was an angel in disguise, was there in Singapore, fighting for her live breathing her last few breathes. God had to take her away. Her time had arrived. She had fulfilled all her duties thoroughly, both as a guardian and as a mother. I screamed and shouted as that was the greatest loss in my life. I did not want her to go but I could not help it.Finally after tossing and turning in my bed I somehow managed to go in a self-healing sleep.
The next day, the very first thing I did was to rush to the post office and send the letter. I went home and sat quietly in that same old corner. My eyes were baggy and sore; my face which was once filled with euphoria was replaced with a pale white face which only described pain and sorrow. Never had I expected her time to come so early, she was only sixty-nine.
I ranted and raved at myself .Maybe if I was never there in her life she could have lived longer. She had slogged only for me, she had risked her health only for me but, with time I realised that there was no more point finding faults with myself. Soon, after a few days I had to hear the bad news. She had gone. Leaving the mortal world, leaving all her memories behind, leaving me alone, she might had gone with the wind but for me she had more immortalised forever .Rest in peace Grandma, Rest in peace……
2nd: Joseph Han, 16, Temasek Secondary School

Dear Grandma,
I know how much you are suffering in Singapore, having an arduous battle with cancer, but I hope you know how much I am missing you here. It pains my heart to be unable to see and support you in tough times like this. I do not know much encouraging words to say, but I do believe that miracles do happen. Even though you are in the 3rd stage of lung cancer, I will continue to pray for divine intervention. I hope you will not lose hope in this fight and please continue to be strong?
Grandma, although you have done so much for me, I feel terrible now not being able to do anything much for you now. After all these years of your endearing care, please forgive me for not showing any sense of appreciation at all. Now I want you to know that I actually do care and love you. I still remember the times where you will cook lunch for me, play silly games with me and also defend me from my parents punishments. I still remember the taste of your porridge and those kiddy games we used to play. I have so much to say to you grandma, but it just cannot be conveyed over a letter.
Whatever you are feeling now, be it feeling that your life has reached its cul de sac, just know that I want to be there for you right now. I may be constrained by the physical means of my body as I am in England, but my heart is with you now. I am sorry when I was young. I kept thinking you were a nag and a person lost in the past and stuck with traditions. As I grew older I did not appreciate you, but now as I grew up I did. I want you to be in my life longer grandma, I want you to see me through my educational period of life. You still have so much wisdom that has not imparted to me. I believe that you will miss my mum too. Surely you will not bear to leave them behind so quickly?
My school term is ending in a few more weeks. I will fly back immediately and see you. Over the years, I have learnt the importance of family and you are that important piece of my life. Family outweighs everything and we never give up on family. How I wish I can hold you in the hand and pull you out of this misery, but it is still just a wish. Right now, the most important thing is to keep a positive attitude grandma! Do you still remember those ridiculous jokes you cracked for me when I was in primary school? I know you have a great sense of humour! Now it is the time to utilize it, you must pull through this. Keep happy, keep smiling and live on.
Lastly, Grandma I want you to know that whatever quarrels or arguments we used to have was my entire fault. I never tried to understand you nor reflected on myself. The only fault you have now is that you have no fault! I hope that you will be able to bear the pain of this cancer and make it your defeated foe. You have always taught me ‘with determination comes strength, and with strength victory is eminent ’. Now it is your turn to apply your trademark principle! You can do it! And I will always love you.
Your grandson,
Joseph Han
3rd: Daryl Poh, 11, Temasek Primary School
I reached deep into my soul, trying to find the despair I believe to be feeling now, but found nothing. I can imagine you lying on the bed, fingers as cold as ice, and being engulfed in immense pain. You wait for the touch of the cold touch of death to descend upon you, where it takes you to the underworld.
I could still remember the way you took me out for a stroll after dinner at the nearby park. You would buy me my favourite Raspberry Ice-Cream as a treat for behaving well that day. We would sit on an empty bench and chat. You would ask me “How’s school?” I would say “Fine.” Then, you would tell me your own childhood experience. The funniest was the time you told me about how you fell into a pile of cow dung.
You said “I was helping your great-grandpa milk the cows. I was walking back to the house with a bucket full of milk when I tripped on a rock. I fell face first into a pile of cow dung. When I reached the house, everybody was laughing that badly. I was so embarrassed!” I remembered how hard I laughed! But those days are soon going to be over……….
Grandma, I promise you that your wisdom and time on me will not be wasted. I promise that I will make you proud. I promise that I will always remember you forever.
I love you, and I will always cherish the time I was lucky enough to spend with you. You will always be in my heart, dead or alive.
Goodbye, my Dearest Grandmother.
Your devoted Grandson,
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